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  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 28-11-2007 13:53   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
nothing from this was changed .
But at one from the repair shops they told me that all the censors are checked with new one. (MAP, Fuel pressure and MAF).
But now i have read that there is a sm ...
  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 24-10-2007 08:48   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
The injectors replacement didn't solve the problem :( Only the engine start working better. There is no more black smoke coming out from the exaust even when accelerating.
If you find a cure for th ...
  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 19-10-2007 10:07   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
Hi , I hope i can fix this problem later today. I have to replace 2 injectors. I already replaced 1st and 4th and today i have to change 2nd and 3rd injectors. After 2 months in different repair shop ...
  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 06-03-2007 14:23   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
Today I went to a repair shop. They connect to the computer and the Error codes for the engine was only for the CAM sensor . After they cleaned all error codes and reset the service interval the probl ...
  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 01-03-2007 10:52   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
The problem appeared when the tank was full :(
I want to ask you if I change the fuel filter and add lots of fuel improvements (don't know the word - for cleaning the fuel system) , and drive alwa ...
  Thema: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT

Antworten: 13
Aufrufe: 45204

BeitragForum: Technical Help Forum   Verfasst am: 27-02-2007 01:33   Titel: Strange "problem"(engine cutoff) with Rover 75 CDT
I bought this baby last week .It got 96000km under its waist...but I noticed something quite strange.
If I am driving on 3rd gear with about 1000rpm and press the acceleration pedal to the grou ...
  Thema: Where Do You Live ?

Antworten: 83
Aufrufe: 219476

BeitragForum: Common & Social Forum   Verfasst am: 27-02-2007 01:17   Titel: Where Do You Live ?
Hello everyone i'm in Sofia , Bulgaria :)
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